Luma Connections: Building Learning Communities to Connect Learners Remotely

Building Learning Communities to Connect Learners RemotelyLuma’s latest book Luma Connections: Building Learning Communities to Connect Learners Remotely contains 52 lessons designed for collaboration and connection within your community of learners. Lesson are organized by two teaching tools: an online discussion board and a synchronous meeting tool, like LumaLive®.

The documented benefits of building communities in education include:

  1. Requiring learners to think abstractly and build on existing skills and knowledge structures.
  2. Using real-world experiences to make applications relevant to learners’ immediate lives.
  3. Showing learners that the knowledge they bring to the learning experience is valued.
  4. Keeping engagement going, both during and beyond the formal educational learning experience.

The book began as a series of blog posts released from 2021-2022 written by Luma CEO Dr. Gina Anderson, instructional designer Elizabeth Lind, and illustrated by director of art Elizabeth Nordquest.

There are many opportunities to build Luma Connections with your learners. To help you build such environments, we offer this book to you for free (PDF download).

Luma's Latest Book!